About Us – a library run by volunteers

Boldon and Cleadon Library has been run by local volunteers since 2018.  Since that time our volunteers have worked hard to keep the Library open and develop its services.  We are hugely encouraged by the support we have received from the community.

Our library is more than just a library… it is a meeting place for community groups, a place to visit when you feel lonely or just need company, a venue for learning new skills or listening to talks about interesting topics –  it is a place at the heart of our community.  It is a library run by volunteers, by the community for the community.

Various book shelves in a libraryEvents

We have a vibrant events programme which we are always revisiting and adding new options to.  Events usually have a small charge, which goes directly to the upkeep of the Library.

On the first Tuesday of every month we have a programme of speakers on a diverse range of subjects, including local history, politics, the natural world and art and literature.

We also host a monthly quiz, regular pre-school and children’s activities and a Memory Cafe which takes place the first Monday of every month, for people living with Dementia and their carers.

We are proud of The Library service that we have developed. Whether you are bringing your family to arts and crafts, looking to use our computers or seek advice, or fancy a go at that quiz, we look forward to welcoming you…oh and we lend books!


Fiona Heaton

Gail Barkel - Chair of Trustees

Val Scott - Vice Chair of Trustees

Gillian Cucchi

Carol Stutchbury

Gary Docherty

How can we help you better?

We love to hear from people who use the Library telling us how much they enjoyed their visit or attending an event – visit our contact page to find out more.

We have also set up a Friends of the Library scheme.  The scheme is aimed at people who like to receive regular updates about events and support the Library by providing regular feedback.  This helps us to keep doing those things that people like, improve on things where necessary, and give people an opportunity to suggest ideas that will keep the Library vibrant.

If you’d like to become a Friend of the Library, please contact us

Sometimes, with the best will in the world, we get things wrong.  We want to hear from you, if that is the case, and we have a complaints policy to help you decide which is the best way to go about it.  To find the complaints policy please click here.

Safeguarding and Photography policy

Our safeguarding policy is a statement of intent that demonstrates a commitment to safeguard children and/or vulnerable adults from harm, whether they be users or volunteers within the library.

We believe that it is always unacceptable for a child, young person or vulnerable adult to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, by a commitment to practice that protects them.  You can access our safeguarding policy by clicking here.

We work with people of all ages as part of our activities.  The principles set out in our photography policy apply to all library users and in particular to children and vulnerable adults.  The purpose of the policy is to protect everyone who takes part in activities or events, specifically those where photographs and videos may be taken.  You can click on our photography policy here.

Our Constitution

For those technically minded among you, not only are we a new form of Library, we are a new form of Charity!  We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, referred to as a CIO.  This is a new type of legal format for a registered charity. The intention is to give charities like us limited liability without having to register as a limited company at Companies House.

We have added our constitution here if you want to read the rules that regulate our internal workings.  If you don’t want to, we won’t be offended.  We also have to live by the rules relating to charities which can be found at The Charity Commission website.

Download Constitution

Serving Boldon and Cleadon

Become a Volunteer