Become a Trustee
Our trustees play an important role in making sure that The Library is run in the interests of the people it is there to support.
They strategically oversee the management and administration of The Library. We won’t lie. The role carries with it many legal responsibilities and requirements and it is an open-ended time commitment in preparing for meetings, attendance at meetings, sometimes with outside bodies, and then carrying out actions decided upon to move The Library forward. There are documents, emails, and WhatsApp messages to deal with. The trustees must also support the daily life of The Library and the volunteers.
So why do it? Perhaps you are one of those people who thrive on all of the above? They do exist! Meet our trustees and read why they do it.
Maybe you like a challenge? Do you want to bring years of experience in business, public service or life to benefit an organisation that in turn benefits the community? Or do you want to gain experience of working at a strategic level in a team for your own personal/professional development and work for the benefit of others at the same time?
Thinking about it? Then get in touch and let’s discuss it.